Reuse - Reglaze your Glasses.

We all have looked and hoped for discounts, sales or surprise gifts while shopping. All of us love the unexpected return on the money we spend. And even while some splurge and some go calculating while we shop for new things, there is always an instance where we hold on to an old much loved item in our wardrobe that remains as a classic to us. We cannot imagine letting that go! Just like that brass ring, or a wilted jacket, even that broken heel tip or that tattered top that remained our true companions on several occasions, how we wish those could be remade and used for all the emotions clung on to them, or just how they made the perfect fit to your personality.
Maybe not all things can be reused from your wardrobe but at you can reuse your old spectacles frames by reglazing your glasses and using them as new with a hint of nostalgia! Reglazing your glasses is simplified as logging online our e-store and uploading your prescription, shipping us your old pair to be renewed. It's that easy! Reglazing your prescription glasses or your sunglasses works to be cost efficient while reviving and reusing your favourite frames that have remained loyal to your look and comfort over time.

By reglazing your glasses perfectly you can try out the look with glasses that you always wanted to but didn't want to spend on designers yet. Go vintage by reglazing grandmas bifocals and getting them your prescription glasses or mending a pair that lay in your drawer for years! Even more get your all time favourite sunglasses reglazed to be adorned again and again. Perhaps that perfect pair fits your style and wardrobe already or you are far comfortable with your current one!
Reglazing helps you rekindle your relationship with your glasses by changing its essence! Pick from bifocal, varifocal, reading or driving spectacle lenses at affordable prices to fit your pair. Hop on to to avail this service for full rimmed, semi rimmed or rimless glasses.